burn fat

美 [bɜːrn fæt]英 [bɜːn fæt]
  • 燃烧脂肪;消耗脂肪
burn fatburn fat
  1. Coffee Can Help You Burn Fat and Improves Physical Performance


  2. So , lower levels of insulin might help you to burn fat .


  3. It is important to burn fat faster link .


  4. Don 't toss that peel-it may help you burn fat .


  5. Normal endocrine system promotes metabolism to burn fat .


  6. Muscles burn fat , and the people in your organization are its muscles .


  7. The antioxidants in the tea help burn fat and speed up your metabolism .


  8. Some studies suggest that green tea 's polyphenols may boost metabolism and help burn fat .


  9. The body will burn fat !


  10. Plus , the resistant starch in potatoes help your body burn fat , too .


  11. Of course , you will burn fat too , but you don 't want to loose muscle in the process .


  12. If you activate your aerobic system with proper diet and exercise , you burn fat as your primary fuel .


  13. Wouldn 't you just love it if your body decided to burn fat and calories on its own ?


  14. In green tea there is something called antioxidant catechins and studies have shown that they help to burn fat .


  15. These high-fat foods won 't fill you up and make it harder for your body to burn fat .


  16. Squats are one of themost effective full body exercises around because they simultaneously work to build muscle and burn fat .


  17. Using both strength-training movements and cardio activity will help you burn fat and tone the thighs .


  18. The hypothesis was that calcium and protein from low-fat dairy products somehow helped to burn fat and melt off the pounds .


  19. Unless you are an athlete ortraining for a competition , it is best to stay away from them and burn fat and build muscle naturally .


  20. And your skin really benefits from the moisture that brings . Nuts are also high in arginine , an amino acid that helps you burn fat .


  21. Unless you are an athlete or training for a competition , it is best to stay away from them and burn fat and build muscle naturally .


  22. They contain resistant starch , which helps burn fat : Just2bananas eaten in the morning can help your body burn fat all day .


  23. Whether or not your goal is weight loss , if you 're trying to build muscle ( and burn fat ), it 's crucial that your protein needs are being met .


  24. TRUTH : Bad news for dieters : celery does not contain " negative " calories , meaning you won 't burn fat the more you eat .


  25. Maffetone told me that below this number that my body would be able to take in enough oxygen to burn fat as the main source of fuel for my muscle to move .


  26. Resistant starch seems to have several important benefits , like boosting the body 's ability to burn fat , helping you feel full , controlling blood sugars , and even reducing cancer risk .


  27. There is a formula that will determine your Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate , which is the maximum heart rate you can go and still burn fat as the main source of energy in your muscles .


  28. Reserve the same skepticism for unsolicited email about search engines as you do for " burn fat at night " diet pills or requests to help transfer funds from deposed dictators .


  29. This is because not only does fat act as an insulating material , protecting our bodies from fluctuations in temperature , but , when we notice that we are cold , our bodies burn fat to release energy which generates heat .


  30. Burn fat around the house if you can 't get to a gym by vacuuming , standing while you read , walking up and down stairs , or using basic resistance techniques while you 're on the phone , cooking , washing , or dusting .
